General bookmarking
First of all you need a shared bookmarks folder. This post will not explain how to create one, so we are assuming that your corporation has already made one.
Next you should connect to the folder by clicking a link provided to you by your corporation or alliance.
After clicking the link, connect to the folder and make sure it is online.
Now you should be able to bookmark locations and share them with your team mates.
To make a simple bookmark, you can press L on your keyboard to open up your locations window.
Once there, click on "Add Location" on the lower right.
Wormhole bookmarks
If you are bookmarking a wormhole entrance, do not bookmark it from the probe scanner with the exception if you are rolling wormholes and don't want to open it yet. New wormholes stay closed until someone scans them down and warps to them.
Warping to the wormhole signature from the probe scanner will put your ship 5-10km off from the wormhole. Instead, warp to the wormhole signature and bookmark the wormhole itself from your overview. Then in the bookmark you will land at 0 meters on the wormhole.
When you create the wormhole bookmark make sure it goes in the "Wormholes" folder and that the expiration is 2 days as wormholes disappear after 16-24 hours, and also pay attention to the label. You should label it with a specific format to give your team mates information on the wormhole.
First include the three letters of the signature ID on your probe scanner, in the above case it is FAR. Follow that up with the wormhole destination. If it's a highsec wormhole, type HS. If it's a lowsec wormhole, type LS. If it's a class 3 wormhole, type C3. If you don't know where it leads, just type WH. You can know where the wormhole goes based on the graphics, type, mass limits and other information.
Then after that type the wormhole type from your overview, in the picture above it's a K162 wormhole, which means it was opened from the other side. So the bookmark label for this wormhole should be the following: FAR HS K162
You can find a list of wormhole attributes from this page.
Also if you right click on the wormhole from your overview and select "Show Info", then you can see some information about the wormhole. If it says "This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime" then add "EOL" to the end of the bookmark, so it's for example "FAR HS K162 EOL". This means the wormhole will collapse within 0-4 hours as it is nearing the end of its life.
If the wormhole is on the verge of collapse, add "VOC" to the end of the bookmark label. This means that many ships have passed through the wormhole, and it may collapse due to the mass limit being reached.
That's it for now. Hopefully this post helps you in your wormhole adventures!