Voyager Syndicate is a casual and new player friendly EVE Online corporation that focuses on exploration, mining and combat, both PVE and PVP. We operate in highsec, nullsec and take trips into wormhole space.
What we do:
✓ Exploration everywhere
✓ Mining with boosts and ore compression
✓ Gas harvesting and ninja mining operations
✓ PVE combat for profit and training
✓ Alliance level PVP fleets and faction warfare is nearby
We can offer:
✓ Lower than NPC taxes (5% vs 11%)
✓ Blue friends and allies in nullsec (NBSI)
✓ Profitable ratting and mining systems in nullsec
✓ Dockable stations and services in nullsec
✓ Experienced players to learn from
✓ Regular PVP fleet ops from the alliance and coalition
✓ Ship replacement program for fleet ops
✓ Free starter ships for PVE and PVP
Our requirements:
✓ Decent English speaking skills
✓ Discord audio comms
✓ Ability to be both independent and work with a team when needed
We prefer omega pilots, but have room for alphas too.